Thursday 20 October 2011

Analysis of ‘Vibe’ magazine - front cover

The reason I have decided to analysis the front cover of 'Vibe' magazine is because it has the same genre as I have planned on using within my magazine. Therefore by me identifying the plan of layout and construction as well as the formation of text and images that have been used, I am able to discover how it appeals to their target audience.

Analysis of ‘Vibe’ magazine – contents page

The reason that I have decided to analysing the content page of a music magazine is so that I am able to gain knowledge on how magazines lay out their contents page with relation to their front cover and their genre.

Analysis of ‘Vibe’ magazine - double page article

The reason I have decided to analyse the double page article of a music magazine is so that I am able to identify the technique of layouts and assembly used within the article together with the arrangement of text and images. Additionally I am trying to identify  if the layout of a magazine changes depending on the different types of genre.

Wednesday 5 October 2011

Evolution of Britney Spears

This is the first magazine that I have had to analyse as part of my AS course. I have analysed it so that I am able to have a greater knowledge about the conventions of other magazines before I begin to create my own magazine.

Layout of a music magazine

I have decided to analyse the layout of a music magazine, so that I can obtain simple knowledge of the elements included on the front cover of a magazine and the different codes and settlements it contains. By gaining this knowledge I will then be able to include what is needed within my own magazine once I begin to create it.

Preliminary Task

                 Front Cover                                                          Contents Page